Shipping is the new shopping

Brands looking to cut costs shouldn’t overlook how important convenience is to consumers. The results of a new Veho survey show the following, writes CEO Itamar Zur: “Shoppers have little patience for brands that implement rigid delivery and returns policies—and they’ll be loyal to brands that make the entire shopping experience as convenient and seamless as possible.”

Marketers take note: Google put more formality behind its plan to phase out third-party cookies this morning. In Q1 2024, the company will migrate 1% of Chrome users to Privacy Sandbox, and disable third-party cookies for them. It’s a move to help publishers and technologists get prepared for the full deprecation of cookies, which is on track to occur in the second half of 2024. – TechCrunch

Retail media is growing up quickly, but if measurement doesn’t improve, it may not be able to stay at these heights forever. The vast majority of retail media is measured through self-reported last touch attribution, which has limited brands' and agencies’ ability to understand how investments contribute to incremental growth for their business. – Sponsored content with Incremental

New this morning: Walmart sales rose 8% in the most recent quarter as the retailer beat expectations on both revenue and earnings. Strong grocery sales are helping to offset a pullback in discretionary spending on general merchandise amid inflation. For Walmart US, ecommerce sales grew 27% year-over-year. – CNBC

Ecommerce is on track for another trillion-dollar year to start 2023, US Commerce Department data shows. According to data out this morning, ecommerce sales grew 7.8% year-over-year in the first quarter. Meanwhile, online sales accounted for 15.1% of overall retail. That’s above the 14% range that was observed throughout 2022.

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